+ “Becoming Safe and Sound” by Marlene Best krystallia, May 18, 2019April 13, 2019, Actions Specialists, Articles, 0 We are pleased to announce that after her very successful seminar last year in Athens, Dr. Marlene Best will be again with us...
+ EFIT – Level 1: Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy krystallia, March 17, 2022March 17, 2022, Actions Specialists, Articles, EFIT - Level 1: Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy, EFT webinars 2022, EFT webinars 2022 - Creating Connection - EFT, Lorrie Brubacher, 0
+ “Applying EFT to Attachment Injuries: Introduction to the AIRM Method” – Webinar Series EFT 2021 krystallia, February 4, 2021February 4, 2021, Actions Specialists, Articles, 0 As couple therapists we know well that broken trust is one of the most common reasons for partners to...
+ EXTRENSHIP in EFT by Sue Johnson, in Spain krystallia, April 18, 2018March 8, 2018, Actions Specialists, Articles, 0 A 4day EXTERNSHIP Training in EFT, by Dr. Sue Johnson and Dr Sam Junich, will take place in Madrid...
+ EFIT-Level 2: Moving deeper into Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy, by Lorrie Brubacher krystallia, December 15, 2022December 15, 2022, Articles, Lorrie Brubacher, 0
+ George Faller @ EFT Greek Network krystallia, June 29, 2018June 14, 2018, Actions Specialists, Articles, 0 Dr. George Faller, Marital and Family Therapist and EFT Trainer from New York, will be with us for an...
+ Marlene Best @ EFT Greek Network krystallia, May 19, 2018February 28, 2018, Actions Specialists, Articles, 0
+ 3rd EFT webinar 2022: EFT & Addiction krystallia, May 9, 2022May 9, 2022, Articles, Addiction, Transforming addiction thought Attachment, 0